Educational Assistant LTO Posting 12:15 - 3:45 pm

It is expected that a short list of candidates will be developed from a review of the letters of application, resumes, and qualifications of the candidates for the interview process. The Board reserves the right to limit interviews to qualified candidates.

The Educational Assistant will work as a member of a multidisciplinary team to provide a range of supportive interventions for students who exhibit self-regulation (including challenging behaviour), social, emotional, physical and/or medical needs.  The Educational Assistant will utilize behaviour programs and de-escalation techniques when responding to students presenting with challenging behaviour.  The Educational Assistant will utilize assistive technology tools and iPad technology to support student achievement.  Dressing, feeding, lifting / re-positioning, transfers, toileting and diapering required.  The Educational Assistant will support the school in responding to the diverse and changing needs of students. 

Employment Equity Statement

The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board is committed to equity in employment. We are committed to fair and equitable hiring practices that allow us to hire qualified staff who reflect the diversity of the communityweserve,whowillfosterthesuccessandwell-beingofourstudents,whoarelifelonglearnerswho demonstrate a commitment to equity and inclusion in theclassroom.

HWDSB seeks candidates who share our commitment to equity and inclusion, and who will contribute to the visionofcreatinginclusiveandequitableoutcomes.HWDSBespeciallyinvitesandwelcomesapplicationsfrom:

As part of HWDSB’s commitment to employment equity and removing barriers to groups that have faced and continue to face barriers in employment, we invite all applicants to complete an Applicant Self-Identification Questions that collects identity-based information. The information collected on this form is used to monitor HWDSB’sprogresstowardourequitygoalsincludingourcommitmenttodiversityinHWDSBrecruitmentand hiring practices. The voluntary question(s) is on the Apply to Education application page for thisposition.

We are committed to the security and confidentiality of information under our control, and to the protection ofprivacywithrespecttopersonalandconfidentialinformationthatiscollected,used,disclosedandretained inthesystem(Policy1.6-Privacy).InformationonthisformiscollectedpursuanttoOntario’sEducationEquityAction Plan (Ministry of Education) and in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)Access to this form is restricted to specific individuals in Human Resources. The Research and Analytics with general records retentionprinciples.

If you prefer not to answer any of the questions, you can select “prefer not to answer”. This in no way affects your application or the applicant selection process. If you have questions or concerns about this form, please Department will use aggregate data from all the forms (not individual data) for internal reporting. Their access and use of the data is governed by MFIPPA and ethical researchpractices. Applicant Self-Identification Forms will be maintained in the Human Resources job competition file and securely destroyed 1 year after the job posting for candidates not selected for an interview and 6 years after the job posting for candidates interviewed, in accordance contact

HWDSB is committed to providing accommodation throughout the recruitment and selection process, based on any human rights protected grounds. If you require accommodation, please notify us in advance and we will work with you to meet your needs.

Land Acknowledgement

HWDSB is located on ancestralAnishinaabeandHaudenosauneeConfederacylandasdeterminedbytheDish with One Spoon treaty. The Dish with One Spoon wampum belt represents the treaty relationship between the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and Anishinaabe with respect to sharing the land and resources thereon. The intent of this agreement is for all nations sharing this territory to do so responsibly, respectfully and sustainably in perpetuity. We respect the longstanding relationships with the local Indigenous communities, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Six Nations of the GrandRiver.